Electronics projects
Here is a list, in chronological order, of the electronics projects I've worked on.
- DerbyDecider
- Wireless projector remote
- Projector status LED
- USB-controlled monochrome LCD display
- RS-232 video switch remote control
- MIDI Out module for Yamaha FX/FS-series organs
An electronic finish line for a pinewood derby track. Communicates results to a PC via an RS-232 serial port.
Status: Complete
Microcontroller: PIC24FJ32GP202
Component count: 26 (plus 4 connector headers)
- 6 IC's
- 1 voltage regulator
- 8 7-segment LED modules
- 6 resistors
- 1 resistor bus (3 of 5 used)
- 3 capacitors
- 1 DIP switch module (3 switches)

Wireless projector remote
An RF remote control transmitter and receiver pair for turning a projector on and off.
Status: Abandoned (RF works, but the project is not needed anymore)
Microcontroller: 2x PIC12F615
Component count: 19 (transmitter), 17 (receiver)
- 4 IC's
- 1 boost regulator
- 2 switches
- 1 diode
- 2 LEDs
- 2 crystals
- 2 transistors
- 5 resistors
- 13 capacitors
- 4 inductors

Projector status LED
A smart power status LED attached to the serial port on a projector. This project replaced the wireless projector remote.
Status: Complete
Microcontroller: PIC12F615
Component count: 15
- 1 IC
- 1 charge pump voltage doubler
- 1 voltage regulator
- 3 diodes
- 1 high-efficiency bicolor LED
- 1 transistor
- 4 resistors
- 3 capacitors

USB-controlled monochrome LCD display
A 128x64 black-and-white LCD, powered and controlled over USB.
Status: Abandoned (worked on breadboard, but PCB was wrong)
Microcontrollers: PIC24HJ32GP202, PIC18F14K50
Component count: 19, plus connectors
- 2 IC's
- 1 LCD module
- 1 voltage regulator
- 1 crystal
- 2 transistors
- 3 resistors
- 8 capacitors
- 1 potentiometer

RS-232 video switch remote control
A 2-button serial remote for a Kramer VP-719DS video switcher/scaler.
Status: Complete
Microcontroller: PIC12F509
Component count: 19
- 1 IC
- 1 charge pump voltage doubler
- 1 voltage regulator
- 2 switches
- 4 diodes
- 2 LED's
- 1 transistor
- 4 resistors
- 3 capacitors

MIDI Out module for Yamaha FX/FS-series organs
An add-in for Yamaha Electone FX- and FS-series organs. I use an FX-20 as a virtual pipe organ console.
Status: Installed, working on firmware
Microcontroller: PIC24EP64GP202
Component count: 52, plus connectors
- 9 ICs
- 1 voltage regulator
- 1 fuse
- 1 LED
- 2 transistors
- 21 resistors
- 17 capacitors